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This chapter provides an overview of behavioral assessment with adults. Behavioral assessment is a psychological assessment paradigm that is based on theory, research, and practice. Founded in behavioral theory, over the past 20 years, there has been considerable research to support behavioral assessment methods. Behavioral assessment is concerned with the events and resulting consequences of behavior, as well as ways to change these behaviors. Given the wide variety of treatment options available to clinicians, a thorough, broad-based assessment is a critical first step to ensure treatment success. There are several options available to the clinician desiring to conduct a behavioral assessment including functional assessment of behavior, self-report measures and instruments, interview techniques, direct behavioral observation, and psychophysiological recordings. A functional assessment includes identifying target behaviors, conducting a functional analysis, and developing treatment strategies. Self-report assessment obtains information directly from the client and includes interviews, self-report measures, self-monitoring, and recording. Although there are multiple benefits to these methods, clients may not always provide accurate information on their behavior. Behavioral observation can be one of the most useful methods of assessment, due to its high validity and reliability. As with all forms of assessment, it has a number of limitations, including cost, observer bias, and necessary training. Some behavioral problems can be assessed through psychophysiological assessment that focuses on direct, observable data of physiological changes. Advanced methods of assessment including ambulatory recording devices make this type of assessment accessible to most clinicians. Psychometric concepts of traditional assessments, such as validity and reliability, have a distinctive role in and their relevance to behavioral assessment was discussed, with an emphasis on a balance between the two and a consideration of the unique issues inherent in behavioral assessment. Behavioral assessment is important before, during, and after the intervention.
This hardback book is in good condition and weighs 1 lb and 14.2 oz.
380 East Court Street, Atoka, OK 74525
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
10:00 am - 5:00 pm
10:00 am - 2:00 pm